Tank Girl Comics by Jamie Hewlett & Alan Martin | Teen Ink

Tank Girl Comics by Jamie Hewlett & Alan Martin

May 2, 2015
By alixander-eden SILVER, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
alixander-eden SILVER, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
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Tank Girl!
A fierce babe who calls herself Tank Girl rebels against authority in her self-titled comics. She’s described by her peers as a “wet dream in biker boots” as she gulps down bottles of beer and inhales cigarette smoke. Tank Girl lives in her stolen military tank with her kangaroo boyfriend and gallery of dead plants. She stands up for whatever she wants and dares to do anything everyone tells her she can’t. I love her because she doesn’t even aim to be beautiful; her main goal is just to be fearless.
The way Tank Girl is drawn in the comics makes her personality even more distinct. Having such a talented illustrator create a visual aspect of the character sucks the reader into the book so much more.  Even when published in black and white, the colorfulness of everything is so obvious. There is space to imagine, still, and paired with a storyline mixes perfect aspects of multiple arts that is difficult to put down.  TG looks different in each box, although not too much that anyone reading cannot tell it is her.  Her look is pure punk, completely unique, and intrigues even a hard-to-please audience.
The most hardcore girl in comics got her kickbutt trait by having a background as a bounty hunter, until she shot an officer and forgot to deliver important bags to the Australian president. She was then labeled as an outlaw. She stole the tank given to her and started on her way to live her own life and do what she thought was right.
Tank Girl does everything without worrying about beauty. She is known to empower women, especially in punk rock culture. Girls shouldn’t feel the need to impress people, and TG is hugely inspirational in terms of making that known. The anarcho-psychedelia-riot grrrl aspects of her character promote feminism, LGBTQ+  rights, and anti-fascism. Sometimes subtle, but incredibly humanizing comments from Tank Girl creates an easier way to be confident while being genuine in punk culture and everyday life.
Tank Girl is illustrated and written in a unique way, insuring interesting stories all throughout the books. Her rebelliousness inspires fans everywhere to never be afraid of who they are. Why would anyone want to blend in after meeting Tank Girl? Her character empowers anyone anywhere to be exactly who they are. 


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