Delirium by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

November 16, 2014
By Anonymous

By Lauren Oliver

Report By BeautyWhispers
November 16, 2014
Definitely one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read. It has the perfect amount of everything, beauty, romance, action, and adventure. She describes different parts of her characters lives in just the right amount of time and it makes readers want more. I definitely did and I was thrilled to learn there was more than one book!
A girl is born into a society where love; amor deliria nervosa, is forbidden and against the law. You are matched and paired after the "cure". Lena's mothers last words still echo in her ear ( I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.
She is days from getting cured when she meats Alex; who says he's cured and has the procedure star on his neck. He has caramel colored skin and hair that golden brown color, like autumn leaves. She's almost automatically attracted to him even when she doesn't trust him. She saw him at the evaluation. His head back laughing eyes sparkling in the light.
There was a stampede, and he was there and he saw her....
She begins to question the disease and when she finds out that her mother wasn't killed and that she was kept in prison...she gets help from Alex to find her. But when they reach where she should have been...behind bars. She isn't there. They learn she carved her way out with a pendent Lena's father gave her mother. A few days before the procedure she chooses to run to the Wilds. Where the invalids...the outsiders are. She learns of course Alex isn't really cured and he is from the Wilds. At first this is a shock but she soon recovers.
The escape plan isn't well planned out and just when the door to freedom is set...just when they'll be free in a place where love is allowed...a place where there's no rules and all freedom. Something terrible happens....
                           Delirium by Lauren Oliver

The author's comments:

I love this book very much and definitely recommend it! I'm sorry if something I have written if incorrect about this report on Delirium. Thank you and please comment!


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 19 2014 at 7:48 pm
BeautyWhispers PLATINUM, Nevada City, California
21 articles 0 photos 98 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be Me. :) - By BeautyWhispers

Btw I'm the one who wrote this and I don't understand why it says anonymous