The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver | Teen Ink

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

May 31, 2012
By smitttty18 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
smitttty18 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Play the game."

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Bean Trees, starts off with a girl named Taylor from Kentucky who just wants to get away. She earns enough money to buy a car and hit the rode. The book might have been good if the take off to the story and the plot was faster, and the story was believable.

Taylor’s car broke down in Oklahoma in a Cherokee Nation. Some lady stops by her car and puts a baby in the front seat. She takes the baby, Turtle, under her wing and finds a place to stay where she can take care of the baby for a couple of nights. The two make it to Arizona when the tires of her car black out and they have to stop at an auto repair shop.

On the terms of being believable, this story fails. First off, no one randomly gets a baby put in their car in the middle of nowhere. Second, her reaction was not normal. I would’ve flipped out and put the baby in a home somewhere or give it back to the lady. But she took care of it and some people might do that, but her reaction was too calm to be believable.

Don’t read this book if you’re looking for a believable plot and a fast starting book. If you like a slow beginning and a bit of a confusing plot line, be my guest. Read the book. It was not a book for a person like me.


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