Lament by Maggie Stiefvater | Teen Ink

Lament by Maggie Stiefvater

October 6, 2010
By gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deirdre has always been invisible and has always been great at everything; the harp, school, life. And when she meets the mysterious Luke her life changes forever. Her and Luke fall into an unspoken agreement that she pretends he is normal and then can continue to be together. But when strange things start happening to Deidre she has to question what Luke is really hiding. And if his secret is too big, is it too late to go back or has she chosen to fall into a world she knows nothing about but is irrevocably drawn to her.

I don’t know why I hadn’t read this story sooner. Stiefvater is one of my favorite authors. I just love the beautiful, diverse things she can do with words. She really has an incredible talent. I absolutely loved the opening and I’ve really never seen anything like it. She alternates between scenes every other paragraph yet they both coincide. Very unique, you really just have to read it. The big secrets really make the story enthralling. I just kept flipping pages for answers. And of course because it’s Maggie even your water proof mascara won’t stand up to her. Though I will admit it wasn’t near as bad as Shiver or Linger. Stiefvater just has a way to keep you captivated and entertained through every second.

Lament had a really weird structure to it. It was broken up into six books. Which were kind of like glorified chapters. And it did have chapters. The only think that really set them apart was the fact they had what I’m assuming a poem or a song found in faerie folklore. I didn’t really mind it was just different. Also this book is not for the action lovers. While it has loads of mystery and romance it lacks in the action department.


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on Oct. 22 2010 at 11:26 pm
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

Good job overall, just give a bit more description of the actual plot and more analysis! Keep it up!