Bridge To Terabithia | Teen Ink

Bridge To Terabithia MAG

By Anonymous

   This is the story of Jessie Aarons and Leslie Burke, two ten-year-olds growing up in an isolated area of Virginia. Leslie comes to Jess just as he is about to give up trying to cope with his four sisters, unemployed father, and worried mother. On top of this, Jess must deal with the school bully, Janice Avery, and a tyrannical teacher named Mrs. Meyers.

Leslie creates Terabithia, a marvelous fantasy kingdom, where Jess is king and Leslie is queen. But Terabithia becomes more than a fantasy world. Leslie tells her stories here, and Jess is free to draw as much as he likes. There are no enemies here, no fears.

Bridge to Terabithia is a children's book, no doubt, but you needn't be a child to enjoy the rich humor, or savor Paterson's true-to-life characterizations. First published in 1977, Bridge hasn't lost its timeliness. Friendship, true friendship, never becomes dated. By the time you finish Bridge to Terabithia, you wish that Ms. Leslie Burke would walk into your life.

Please don't be afraid to go to the children's room of your library to pick up this gem. Tell the librarian it's for your little brother. Actually he might like it too. n


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i love this !