Trapped in The Bat Wing Hall by R. L. Stine | Teen Ink

Trapped in The Bat Wing Hall by R. L. Stine

March 17, 2010
By thriller BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
thriller BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Im on a chain gang!

“Trapped in the Bat Wing Hall” is a suspenseful and scary story. It is about a boy named Nick who just moved into the new house on the block. He meets a kid named Debbie who invites him to a club called the Horror Club. He plays a game with the club to see who can find the scariest thing. He goes to a graveyard and finds a crypt with a sign that says “don’t enter”, but he goes in any way. He goes back to show the club but they are gone. That night Nick started feeling very strange; he woke up and found himself transformed to a bat. When the sun rose, he returned to a human form. The pattern continued for many nights. Nick figured out that the curse was somehow tied to the crypt. He tried to get rid of the curse and that’s where it all begins.
R.L Stine has written over 300 books that have been translated in to as many as thirty-two different languages. Many kids rate his books highly; most of them love how they get to chose what happens in the story by answering little questions at the end of the page.
I think that the book was well thought out and has lots of details. I would recommend this book to kids who like suspenseful and creepy stories. I rate this book a four and one half stars because of its great plot and details.


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