The Beef Princess of Practical County by Michelle Houts | Teen Ink

The Beef Princess of Practical County by Michelle Houts

October 28, 2009
By EmilyMe BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
EmilyMe BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Beef Princess of Practical County by Michelle Houts is one of the best books for teenage girls. 12 year old Libby Ryan lives in Nowhere, Indiana. Nowhere is a small town with few people and many farms. Each year at the end of summer Practical County has a fair, appropriately named The Practical County Fair. The Practical County Fair has a Beef Princess pageant, steer showing competition, rides and the best Cattlemen burgers in the world.

Libby lives on her family’s farm named Ryan Family Farm with her mother, father and little sister Frannie. After Libby’s brother Ronnie left for college, Libby decided it was her turn to step up to the plate and show cattle for the Ryan Family Farm. When she went to her Grandfather’s pasture to pick out two steers for the show, it was clear to Libby which two she would pick.

Libby’s father told her it was a bad idea to name show steer but she disagreed and went to the barn to get to know her animals so she could name them. One was named Piggy, and the other Mule. This was because Piggy was gentle and kind, whereas Mule was stubborn. Libby quickly fell in love with Piggy and shut Mule out of the picture.

But one day in the barn, Piggy got caught between two bars and tried a little too hard to get out, leading to a broken foot. The vet told Libby that he should be fine, but it turned out he never was. Libby was frightened when her father told her that they would have to put Piggy down, and out of sadness, blamed it on Mule. After morning her loss, she learned to love Mule just as much as she loved Piggy. Soon the two were unstoppable, working as a team to win the steer showing.

Libby Ryan decides to enter the Beef Princess Pageant to take down the evil Darling daughters, Precious, Lil and Ohma. The three of them are always trying to find a way to beat everybody out. The Darling daughters are known as the most beautiful girls ever. Libby found this as a way to show the world just who she is.

I believe everybody can relate to this book in one way or another. Weather its facing your enemies or losing a beloved friend. I give this book two thumbs up. To find out who wins the steer showing and the title of Beef Princess of Practical County, read this book!


This article has 3 comments.

SabrinaS said...
on Jan. 7 2014 at 2:18 pm
I live on a farm a show cattle at a fair in Wisconsin, and I have my own "Darking" sisters to deal with, this book was like the story of my life.

Lakennnnn said...
on Apr. 23 2013 at 2:49 pm
This book explains me to a tee! Libby sounds exatctly like me and Frannie sounds just like my little sister we show catte at a county fair in Michigan! :)

cutiepie11 said...
on Mar. 7 2011 at 6:18 pm
It is the best book i haveever read and it is very ironic because you would never think that piggy would die.It is also very funy because of the Darlings expeciouly Precious.It reraly makes you want to keep reading.I think everybody should read this book if they can.