Whirlwind | Teen Ink


March 21, 2018
By Sarah.frank4 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Sarah.frank4 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot from the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars." -Les Brown

The crystal water droplets hit the ground,

through the cool clear glass, I watch the rain fall,

the gray veil offers me a peaceful sound;

the rain is a blanket that covers all.


Each droplet is a tear that I have cried

and the puddles are collections of tears.

Every time I painted my mask, I lied,

for I finally succumbed to my fears.


But thunder and lightning come with the storm,

harshly ripping me till I'm skinned.

I am alone, with no place to be warm;

I can only observe the whistling wind.


I am trapped in a war, day after day.

It's a whirlwind and I am swept away.

The author's comments:

My friend Ava and I wrote this together because we both struggle with anxiety. The poem compares storms to anxiety and/or depression, and we hope to 1) raise awareness and 2) help people realize they are not alone.

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