About The USSR | Teen Ink

About The USSR

January 12, 2017
By Anonymous

What is to be done?
Is the question posed to them as they take their seats
And the man whose comments lead
Are mostly stating that they haven’t yet won
Things move a little faster when they pull a gun
Those in power, once guaranteed
A place in high society now must plead
Only to stay alive, or else must run
It all starts moving faster
Men and women stake their claim, but from
Traitors hanging in the rafters
A cry rings out, there’s more to come
But just then they’ve averted an approaching disaster
The years past have made them numb

The years past have made them numb
They push on with iron hearts
Moving around the changing parts
Of society yet to become
To the sound of the drum
Their work chases the top of the charts
They’ve gone to cars from horse-drawn carts
Now they count, on their fingers, the sum
Of every effort for one step onward
Every effort to learn,
For a chance to prove their national honor
Broken in past but to rise in turn
To turn down dirty and righteousless offers
To history, an adjourn

To history, an adjourn
But their philosophy teaches, second as farce
Suddenly they notice promised justice is sparse
The new man in power brings a return
This return prompts concern
But voices are stifled with force
The situation gets worse
But none want the past, for the future they yearn
And they’ll walk through hell to get there
Trial by fire and bomb and blast
Citizens watching their lives flare
Through siege and cries, the nation must last
The war brought them together, they swear
Down to the bomb-savaged streets, there’s no past
Tragedy alone, they share
But they fight, it clears, at last

But they fight, it clears, at last
Beat swords into plowshares
While the world stares
And things get better, fast
Ideological conflict, unsurpassed,
Is the next fight to bear
With their success, the world scares
Divided in “two camps” like asked
And they’ll have to lead this war
To the west, their image, the east, their fight
To save their nation, they swore
Raining down is the other man’s smite
Which will live on in national lore
But on the horizon comes a new light

But on the horizon comes a new light
They will walk in the streets without fear
We’ll get better, homeland dear
From dark they rise to light
And from wrong they’ll rise to right
Though conflict bitter and near
To the past, they adhere
Despite coming change, some still feel plight
The world now hears their cries
What did they do?
They stole another’s skies
They rebelled, with cause, on cue,
Struggle at home, the other man spies
Policy needs a review

Policy needs a review
So a new man comes to power
His plan isn’t to make them cower
Instead, he’ll help them get through
Not independence but changing worldview
Freedom pushes up like a summer flower
Change comes by the hour
Literal walls fall, too
Enough has changed- now everything spins
Collapse is not the word to use
It’s a change in name, but still someone wins
The past and future, hands held in truce
Remember the good, forget the sins
On to the future and make no excuse
On to the future and make no excuse
While they struggle to stand with new shoes
Everything done is front page news
The economy feels like a tightening noose
Get out, move fast, slip loose
To the past these people paid their dues
And they can’t afford to lose
However, people come to power and with them more abuse
So again, struggle bites at their heels
Were they wrong to think they had won?
The face of good democracy conceals
That their leader holds a gun
And through protests, and frantic appeals,
Once again,
What is to be done?

The author's comments:

I was assigned to write a crown of sonnets for English class. I'm in tenth grade, and I'm always looking for a little fun in class, so I wrote about a subject I'm particularly interested in. 

Hopefully I'll get a little extra credit for this. :) 

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