Thanks to You | Teen Ink

Thanks to You

February 21, 2016
By Lovelife98 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Lovelife98 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I used to hope that I could join this place,
That I'd mature and find out who I was.
How could I fulfill my faulty own base,
If I was still mending old wounds with gauze.
You took my lasting fears of doubt away,
And challenged me to push my comfort zone.
So now my sense of self will never stray.
Thanks to you I found myself a new home.
Some people came along the way and lied.
They told me I was very dull and weak.
I then gathered my strength to use a guide.
I exchanged my griefs for a winning streak.
Although my time with you is fleeting by,
To know myself, I'll never have to try.

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