Broken Love | Teen Ink

Broken Love

February 3, 2015
By JessicaMatthew BRONZE, NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas
JessicaMatthew BRONZE, NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Let’s just be friends” he said, I cried.
His words shattered my heart like stained glass.
“I don’t want a relationship” he implied.
“I know this feeling shall never pass”
My mournful sadness made my tears drip down,
The pool at my feet grown larger each day,
And in my tears I will forever drown.
One day, he will eventually have to pay,
Too bad I thought he was smokin’
He’s ugly inside, he’ll soon be crying,
You just wait till he gets his heart broken,
His once charming heart is now dying.
I thought he cared, I guess he’s gone,
I guess now I have to move on.

The author's comments:

Past relationship i needed something to help me move on.

I hope people get that at some point you just have to leave the past behind.

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