Sonnet | Teen Ink


March 3, 2014
By Imani Wright BRONZE, Corryton, Tennessee
Imani Wright BRONZE, Corryton, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her cheeks no longer hold the rosiness
Her arms and legs no longer in motion
Her hair was now in a tangled up mess
Her smile no longer holds it’s love potion

The twinkle in her eyes no longer there
Her heart no longer makes a cheerful song
Her eyes now hold a blank and chilling stare
The stealing of her soul so very wrong

The winter seems to hold a bitterness
The sun has soon forgotten how to shine
The world seems to hold a gloomy sadness
For she no longer holds the title, mine

Although she has gone far away from here
My heart wants to believe she still is near.

The author's comments:
This a sonnet that is displaying death and the lost of someone you truly care about.

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