Vader | Teen Ink


March 1, 2012
By Anonymous

Darth Vader ran a galaxy one day,
And so said he to me about the force,
And thought to myself, “Aye, that’s one cool way,”
Be he was as unique as an old horse,
He had an enemy that was his son,
And though he tried to turn him to his side,
But then he threw him into a hot sun,
In all the galaxy he could not hide,
Could he not for his life control his rage,
For after that he surely felt regret,
He wanted to forgive and turn a page,
And then his destiny would be set,
Such sadness that the galaxy had felt,
Would make anyone’s heart start

The author's comments:
An assignment for creative writing class. Not very serious, nor connonically accurate within the realm of the Star Wars universe, but hey.

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