Little Dreamers Preschool | Teen Ink

Little Dreamers Preschool

May 31, 2024
By cora_456 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
cora_456 BRONZE, New Windsor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking in with big smiles every day

Each day at preschool goes by really fast.

The eight preschoolers graduate in May.

Science, music, and gym are all a blast!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are the best.

Art can get messy, but it's amusing.

No worries, since there aren’t any tests.

At the playground, we have fun in the sun!

The preschoolers like to use words that rhyme.

What’s the weather, let’s go look at the sky.

Eight to ten o’clock is the greatest time

During gym, we get to jump very high!

All of the preschoolers are really cool.

Really enjoy teaching at the preschool!

The author's comments:

This piece is about how the preschool at Orange-Ulster BOCES works. I enjoy teaching preschoolers, it is great to see how they grow within a year.

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