Flooding Thoughts | Teen Ink

Flooding Thoughts

December 22, 2023
By SamanthaRicci BRONZE, New Egypt, New Jersey
SamanthaRicci BRONZE, New Egypt, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every night I think & wonder why

Ever morning I try & forget

Once again night comes & I wonder about goodbye

Morning realization brings quick regret


The feeling of it makes tears roll down

I tell myself it doesn’t matter

Almost as if I can feel there frowns

All because I’m a big chatter


The pain cut and scared

Just for me to remember everyday

They lie & lie and tell me they “cared”

Only if they stayed as long as the memories stayed


All they listen to are rumors, but what’s more truthful me or the rumor?

If only heaven could have hired sooner

The author's comments:

This poem is written from the POV of a high school girl. A girl who is facing realization and the heavy thoughts that come. It's about understanding the thoughts that come flooding when you get upset or something goes wrong. Realizing what your life really turned into, when all you have are those flooding thoughts. But it's to share that everyone can have them, and no one is alone. No matter how hard those thoughts may come.

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