My Rendition of the End of the World | Teen Ink

My Rendition of the End of the World MAG

December 16, 2022
By HaiKi BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
HaiKi BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How do you think the world will end?
An apocalypse in turn?
Or will robots transcend?
Ready to watch the world burn

I argue that it’s already finished
Because how can you live if your soul is dead?
The vivid colors of life diminished
Your shimmer of passion has fled

Stuck in a state of perpetual agony
Suffocating in the hazy air
Society has made your veins run cold with apathy
A predicament to our welfare

We are left with a garden of wilted flowers unable to bloom
Finding solace only in the moon

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