Colors | Teen Ink


October 11, 2022
By Irenewu BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Irenewu BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see green and I see yellow,

Yellow stamens surrounded by green petals.

I taste bitterness, from the unknown fruit and juice that follow,

Numbness covers the mouth with the smell of metal.

I see orange and I see red,

Red camels walking on the orange desert.

I hear painful moans with restless tapings instead,

Dried blood stains on the perfect shirt.

I see white and I see black,

Black paint splashed on white mask.

I smell nothing but the nauseating snack,

Uncomfortable demands imposed without an ask. 

I feel brutal wind on the endless track,

No one was left except for us back to back. 

The author's comments:

I am Irene Wu currently in high school. I enjoy drawing, running and love biology. I combined elements from my hobbies to express my feeling of stress and lonely in school. For example, "Uncomfortable demands imposed without an ask." is the directions and announcement that teachers made which I don't agree with but is forced to obey. "I feel brutal wind on the endless track," this is a moment during cross country practice after school. I felt tired in the cold in the wind howling by and fell behind the group, the feeling of loneliness suddenly overwhelm me. Also, the different colors represents different seasons and the scene described also correspond with the seasons. 

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