Journey of emotions | Teen Ink

Journey of emotions

August 25, 2021
By Anonymous

I don't feel to live anymore 
the hope in my heart doesn't reflect anymore...

Today tears are flowing from my eyes and falling on the book...

But once I didn't know the meaning of experiencing pain even through the book...


today what happened is coming to me fro and back ..

I am trying to enjoy but unable to forget what happened in the past...

even though I know there are many people to support me...


I am scared what if my dreams break...

what if I put brakes on them ?...

all emotions are frightening and panicking me...

I am unable to sleep,Kicking the bed and not confident to leap out of my bed...


I know this night will end and a new day will begin...

with the new day I will have a beam of hope in life...

and all my fears will be cut off by a knife...

than I will feel to live happily ever...

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