Once Upon A Dream | Teen Ink

Once Upon A Dream

September 27, 2020
By FindingPeterPan BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
FindingPeterPan BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ethereal illusions of you dancing in the moonlight,

On a blanket of snowy-white.

Wearing a gown of silver and gold,

A red wool cloak sealing you from the cold.


The harmonious music tickling your ears,

Holding the hand of the person you hold dear.

Place a kiss on his lips for fun,

Yet now, you feel like coming undone.


Breathe in the wonderous wintry air,

Around you, the little critters have their own affairs.

Sprinkle upon you some stardust.

You’re flying, consumed by wanderlust.


Blissful happiness of love before daybreak,

It’s all gone now that you wake.

The author's comments:

It was a poem inspired by fairytales and romance, something I tend to enjoy quite often. 

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