Angels | Teen Ink


July 12, 2020
By shandilyashambhavi BRONZE, Muzaffarpur, Other
shandilyashambhavi BRONZE, Muzaffarpur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't ever settle.

A lilting angel,

Walking her way.

One step has she covered,

With her wavy, carefree gait.

Bouncing back & forth on her way,

The one she chooses for her fate.

Destined to be something great.

There she is

With a smile on her face

Waiting ahead for her is a life,

Full of ups & downs with a smile.

May Luck & Success be with her,

On this virgin venture,

As new as a nebula.

The author's comments:

Written as a farewell poem for one of my seniors.

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