The Execution | Teen Ink

The Execution

May 31, 2020
By Awkwardturtles06 BRONZE, London, Other
Awkwardturtles06 BRONZE, London, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I tightly shut my eyes and take a deep breath in

The wild grass crushed under my blistered, cold feet

I know I’m about to commit a horrid sin

I’m sorry, but I’m too far down the devils street

I regret every moment I hear their sharp cries

I regret every time I see them mouth “please, no”

Especially since in the end, someone good dies

In their last seconds, when I release my arrow

I sincerely do wish I could take it all back

Reverse the clock, change my choices, and make things right

I long to make up for the good deeds my past lacks

But my guilty conscience always loses the fight

In the now corrupt and silent forest, I stand

With misty eyes and a murder weapon in hand

The author's comments:

For the, I did not kill anybody lol. I was just intrigued by the idea of an internal struggle. I started off thinking about Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender and his struggle to do the right thing even if it means he has to turn on his own nation. Somewhere along the line I got mixed up with Katniss vibes and we are. I hope you enjoy! Oh and if you haven't watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, you absolutely should. Uncle Irohs the best....hmm maybe my next poem should be about him.

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