A Game Left Long Ago | Teen Ink

A Game Left Long Ago

April 20, 2020
By ElijahEric89 BRONZE, Florissaint, Missouri
ElijahEric89 BRONZE, Florissaint, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever played a game?

A game you just can’t quit

I don’t know if you feel the same

You may just laugh and spit


The blocks and cows

The dogs and cats

The what’s and how’s

The Longest chats


The turquoise ocean so large

The jungle trees so tall

The feeling of being in charge

The power of owning it all


Looking back, I see my home

Pets I left a long time ago

Sitting there all on their own

Because my mom said I had to go.

The author's comments:

This piece of poetry just hit home as i was logging back into my old account and saw all of the crazy builds i had created.

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