Eighteen By Elisabeth Butler | Teen Ink

Eighteen By Elisabeth Butler

March 5, 2020
By ebutler20 BRONZE, New Vernon, New Jersey
ebutler20 BRONZE, New Vernon, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up in my soothing white room

It felt like my life had gone by in a zoom

I was already turning eighteen

I felt like I should spread the word and make a scene

But seriously, where had the time gone?

Eighteen meant that I would be moving on

But inside I felt like I was just turning three

When life was simpler and everything was low key

Sounds of honking and crowds of people

The city holds so much opportunity

But there I was, apart from the unity

One day I’d become a part of the crowd

Hoping to become successful and make my parents proud

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