A Lost Lamb | Teen Ink

A Lost Lamb

March 4, 2020
By Anonymous

In a meadow vast as the sky’s expanse,

I wandered away from the pasture’s fold.

Where golden streams glimmered like dreams untold,

I made my home within this distant trance.

As faithful flowers sprung in cheerful dance,

Nature’s breeze begged a blissful song be told.

Amidst this melody which did unfold,

My heedless ear welcomed its solid stance.

But then my foolish eyes were open wide.

The streams, which seemed enticing once, lay dry.

In tempest wind, the tune tauntingly cried,

And mocking thorns replaced where flowers lie.  

As my shepherd returned me to His side,

He saved this lost lamb from a path awry. 

The author's comments:

Inspired by the Parable of the Lost Sheep.

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