Family Struggle | Teen Ink

Family Struggle

March 4, 2020
By Anonymous

This night is like crystals turned into tears

Horrid memories are haunting our sleep

Family filled me with love, now turned to fears

Dad, I call without response. I’m now weak.

They possessed the heart and soul, now long gone.

When I walk down the stairs softly stepping

Wishing for noise, but there’s none it feels wrong.

The quiet house is silently rawring.

And my mother’s arms comfort me with hugs

Letting us know that it’ll be okay.

Filling up with excitement like warm mugs

Sitting around a fire, siblings play.

With all the love I feel inside my heart

Hoping, fully that we will never part.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for English class, it's a Shakesperian Sonnet with Iambic Pentameter. I decided to submit this to see what happens ;)

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