My Favorite Person Ever | Teen Ink

My Favorite Person Ever

November 22, 2019
By Anonymous

June 11th is the date

And this year she turns eight

She continues to grow and learn every day

And I will help her along the way

In my footsteps, she will trace

The greatest gift from God with the cutest face
People say she is a mini-me 

All I can do is laugh and agree

She’s not only my little sister but my best friend

I always tell her I have her back till the end 

She always knows the right things to say

First, in my heart she will forever stay  

Although she is very tiny

Her energy is quite mighty 

Some may say she is very wild 

And that she is a crazy little child 

But her heart is full of love

I could never put anyone above 

She will be my little sister forever 

This is a type of bond you could never sever 

“Sissy I love you” is what is said 

Every night before I go to bed 

The author's comments:

This poem is about my sister who I love very much. 

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