A Pigeon’s Demise is an Owl’s New Rise | Teen Ink

A Pigeon’s Demise is an Owl’s New Rise

January 22, 2019
By nathaliesflower BRONZE, Miami, Florida
nathaliesflower BRONZE, Miami, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Within the space between your thoughts will you find your answer."

Bitter freeze nips my insides endlessly;
Piercing knives stabbing me from the inside
Out; Gaunt robins heave hairs relentlessly
Off my wintry body; yet none did hide.
A pungent odor of demise I scent
Lichened pebbles among moss. Had I not
Learned to draw my quivering breath, lament
Would bear my existence. Yet these days’re wrought
With strange blankets of purification.
To ascertain of birth one must unhand.
Dingy crows caw the charm of cessation:
“Delivered to an ample, pristine land.”
Starry, knowing snowflakes litter the lot
In the mind’s sky, past lives’ve been brought to naught.

The author's comments:

This is a sonnet about winter. Winter is cold and unforgiving and symbolizes death. But after that death comes renewal and life, similar to how "after a hurricane there is always a rainbow."

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