Oh Stay | Teen Ink

Oh Stay

January 8, 2019
By Anonymous

From that, the frigid rainy day, I knew,

We had fell in love just oh, way too soon.

Oh, all the many years we shared flew,

And look, we are here, lying under the moon.

Oh my, someone needs to help us right now,

As we may never cross paths once again.

Oh, my love, shall we proceed with our vows?

We must indeed, or all will just end then.

Dear, please come here. Oh, you can stay, you say?

Do not leave, please, as we keep each other sane.

Oh, we must not let our love go astray.

God bless, we will no longer be in pain.

So forever, you say? Our love will live on,

And together we will lay here, until dawn.

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