Tears Were Shed | Teen Ink

Tears Were Shed

January 8, 2019
By Blu_JellyBean BRONZE, Kent, Other
Blu_JellyBean BRONZE, Kent, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all tell lies, yet the lies you told
Made these tears unfold.
When you said those empty goodbyes,
Like the wings of trapped fireflies,
My heart did fall.

Seeing you happy with another face
Sharing moments in where we used to call our place.
And memories of when we used to call
Now make me look like a fool.

Our future together has lost its pace
And now, next to me, it's just an empty space.
I'm sorry for your time that I have wasted.
I've realised, Darling, I can't make amends

Now I feel like my life has come to an end.

The author's comments:

This is a Prologue for my play that I am currently writing called 'Tears Were Shed'.

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