Ready, Go | Teen Ink

Ready, Go

December 19, 2018
By KarterStalter GOLD, Boonton, New Jersey
KarterStalter GOLD, Boonton, New Jersey
10 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I stand here, hot, on this hellish, harsh path
Tired, I ponder to observe the roads
That separate our own smooth, soft silk breath
We begin our new life, holding more loads.
As my peers pass past me, already set
Here I stand, 16, can’t decide my fate
I must move, so I break apart upset
Dividing myself, taking all paths’ weights.
Although I move through scholarly subjects
My soul is still idled where the path splits
What I am to do here is too complex
So, I still progress, moving on as bits.
Unsure I may be on these thin wires,
But my soul now travels on my desires.

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