One last cup | Teen Ink

One last cup

November 19, 2018
By EthanHolley BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
EthanHolley BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Though tonight we will dine one last time

And we will sing the songs of the fallen

The fire  of our fight will always shine

And now to our home we have been callen

Do not fear tomorrow’s bringing of death

Fly your colors on the highest of heights

Fight your hardest when you take your last breath

And don’t go gently into that good night

Now look to your right and look to your left

This will be your family to the end

Tomorrow we fight till nothing be left

And to meet death our enemies we send

Though tomorrow I walk through rain and muck

Tonight I will raise with you one last cup

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