Christmas Time | Teen Ink

Christmas Time

November 19, 2018
By Mcrawford123 BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
Mcrawford123 BRONZE, Hugoton, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The twelfth month of the year, twenty fifth day,

A very very very happy time,

Merry Merry Christmas, some people say,

Christmas Eve, let’s go to bed, it’s bedtime,

It’s hard to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,

Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up,

Go to the living room, you have to creep,

Open up your first gift, its a pretty pup,

Sitting under the tree, with all your gifts,

So So many gifts to be thankful for,

No coal for you, Santa checked his long lists

All the presents are opened, such a bore

    A very very chilly atmosphere

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The author's comments:

14 years old 

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