The Colored Girls' Song | Teen Ink

The Colored Girls' Song

October 25, 2018
By herpoems BRONZE, Houston, Texas
herpoems BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness."

Here is the song of the colored girl.                                                                                  Here is the girl suspended from school for her hair.
Here are the women with Vaseline ponytails and Crisco twists.
Here are the girls with heat damage from European standards being pushed on them.
Here is the song of the colored girl.
Here are the girls with whip braids,
The girls with with dome afros,
The girls who cut it all off.
You think I need straight hair to be gorgeous? Honey, I don't need hair at all.
Here is the song of the colored girl.
Here is the girl who spends her time speaking, shouting, standing for something.
She is never silenced.
Here is the song of the colored girl.
Stay strong, girl of the Earth. Mother Nature herself made you.

The author's comments:

Line 11 is about me, Line 2 is dedicated to Tayjha at CR Walker High School

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