Can't Go to School | Teen Ink

Can't Go to School

December 1, 2015
By AbigailGC BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
AbigailGC BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a schoolboy named Nick
Who told everyone he was sick.
But on Saturday
He ran out to play;
That malingering boy and his tricks!

The author's comments:

I was reading some sample limericks online and noticed that many of them were short, witty stories about some event in a fictional person's life. This inspired me to create my own and to try to mimmick the style of some of the ones I read. 

On a side note--the word "malingering" was one of my AP English vocabulary words and it means "to feign illness in order to aviod duty or work." I had to include it because it just fits so perfectly! (And to make my teacher happy:)

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