Them Southerners Through Our Eyes | Teen Ink

Them Southerners Through Our Eyes

January 10, 2014
By J.Ramos BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
J.Ramos BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Confederate States of America
commonly the south
comes a variety of wretched weirdness
that only they know about

We know them as "hillbillies"
not sophisticated one bit
quarreling, yowling, cussing, to the littlest of things
each lack of true grit

The land that they live on
is a desolate wasteland
its a beach without water
but vast amount of sand

Their mobile homes stand sturdy yet cramped
its stunning to hear
how none get tramped

Sitting on their porches
with a Richmond rifle on their lap
looking crocked and filthy
with their tight baseball caps

Many wear camouflage
as if they were in the corps
not caring how they look
for they have nothing else in their drawers

Their favorite drink is whiskey
some call it Moonshine
drinking it everyday
even while they dine

On Sundays it's God's day
for no one shall sin!
Come the weekdays its on
back to hunting for deer skin

"Why are they so racist?" one person might ask
It’s because they're uneducated
perhaps still living in the past

People vary in every which way,
so what you have read may all sound true
as awful as it sounds, many can disagree
so don't assess with stereotypes....what if it was you?

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