Alive | Teen Ink


September 12, 2013
By Anonymous

I sit in the corner,
Alone it seems,
I talk and I talk,
Still no one listens to me.

I want answers,
To questions I dare not speak,
I wait and I wait,
No one cares as I weep.

"Please, someone listen!"
I slowly start to scream,
Everything's a struggle,
Now that I've forgotten how to breathe.

The people around me pay no attention,
I feel invisible to the world,
It's then that I remember,
I'm a non-existent girl.

I have no part in this reality,
For I am not real,
I have nothing but a useless soul,
Giving me only pain to feel.

I watch the world from the outside,
Since I can't do anything more,
I want a chance to live the way you live,
And see what I couldn't before.

I want to feel the things you feel,
Like what it is to love,
I want to know what it's like,
To feel what a normal person does.

I want to do the things you do,
Like smile, laugh, or hug,
I want to know what it's like to feel alive,
What exactly does a beating heart sound like?

I'm stuck in this demented pit,
With no way out,
All my questions will stay unanswered,
There's no point in trying now.

So I'll just wonder what's it like forever,
To be someone who's not me,
I'll never know what it's like to be alive,
I can only dream.

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