fellow | Teen Ink


May 31, 2013
By andrewcuban BRONZE, Coronado, California
andrewcuban BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
miss lago rules !!!!

There once was an young man from Colorado
Who had lots of bravado

He dreamed he was on a journey to the coast
But when he woke he had no left his post

So he started out one day with another fellow
But not after long the fellow fell a let out a loud bellow

That was the end of their journey
Sadly it was in a gurney

So the next year they started again
This time with a fellow named ken

As big and strong as a bare
And carried with him lots of flares

The journey was long and hard
And the meat they had was charred

But once they reached the shore
There was lots of fresh boar

The author's comments:
its amazing and fun to read and beats this other stuff by miles

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