Reality Dreaming | Teen Ink

Reality Dreaming

May 1, 2013
By starrcarter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
starrcarter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A dream is a powerful wish a danger to the peace of mind. A fantasy that feeds the soul. To hide from reality and satisfy the hunger of your pain. It lurks in your thoughts. It eats away at the pitts of a broken heart to make you go insane. It’s a wish your heart makes only when you’re asleep. One you don’t want to wake from and wish to keep.

The author's comments:
born in Houston and has been a great influence with her inspiring words since she was in middle school. Her focus has been on trying to be a positive role model for everyone who looks up to her and staying strong through the events in her and her families’ life.

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