Bill'y Snowy Day | Teen Ink

Bill'y Snowy Day

May 14, 2011
By KorrieS BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
KorrieS BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a snowy day,
Billy went outside to play.
He was not aware
That there was a bear
Waiting for him to say “Hey!”

Finally he turned around
Because he heard a loud sound.
He yelled in surprise,
And closed his blue eyes,
Falling hard on the white ground.

The bear walked over to him.
He said that his name was Jim.
He was all alone,
Billy’s mom was not home,
So Billy said “Come on in!”

Jim says “let’s go to the pond.”
Of ice skating I am fond.
They went down to skate,

they came back home late,
And Billy’s mom was still gone.

Then Billy said “I am cold.”
On hot cocoa he was sold.
He was in distress
‘cause he made a mess.
His mom was going to scold.

Soon his mother would be home.
At the mouth she’d start to foam.
She’d decide his fate,
And he’d watch and wait.
Then he’d feel small like a gnome.

His mother walked in the door.
There were no spots on the floor.
Billy had cleaned up,
Jim dressed like a pup,
And so the mess was no more.

Jim as a pup then did hide.
Billy’s mom would throw him outside.
“Get out you’re a bear!”
She’d jump in the air.
Then she would look like she died.

The disguise did not work though.
Mother saw Jim’s left big toe.
She did yell and scream.
As you’d never dream.
Then she dropped like cold jell-o

The next day mother bear came.
She did not come to reclaim.
She did not want Jim,
Billy wanted him.
And so fam’ly they became.

One day Jim did not get fed.
Suddenly Billy was dead.
His parents were mad,
Especially his dad.
He shot Jim right through the head.

This is the end of the story.
It was written by Korrie.
She rhymed lots of words,
Just like two lovebirds.
It is not dark and gory.
i wrote this poem

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