Life Is A Pain | Teen Ink

Life Is A Pain

October 16, 2017
By writingislife92017 GOLD, Lancaster, Ohio
writingislife92017 GOLD, Lancaster, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scars will fade, Pain won't

I sit in the rain
thinking life is a pain
I have been hit by a hurricane

of hatred and misery
all the betrayal and backstabbing
all the attacking and harassing

the wars and hatred
depression and cancer
it is all a pain

why can't i ever find peace?
why cant we all just love each other?
asked and answered we don't get what we want

life gives and takes
snatching from your hands
life is a thief

life is a pain
it is filled with hatred
I try to stay confident

but end up broken
and you wonder why i don't trust
life is a pain

and it will will never be anything else
but a disappointment

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