Maybe God Paints | Teen Ink

Maybe God Paints

May 19, 2017
By julietteguetta BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
julietteguetta BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There we were sitting in the car.
The three of us
Listening to the radio.
Each of us
Tired and worn out
Ready for the day to end.
We lift our heads and there
Right in front of us at 5:55 PM lies the most beautiful sunset
Sun no longer visible but hiding behind buildings.
Reflections of fire set upon the windows of cars that drive next to us
Moving silhouettes of people walking on the sidewalks
Some stopping to take a picture and capture the moment
Others, stopping to simply admire
Many Colors.
Red and Orange and all the in between burnt and crisp
Fifty shades of faded blues and bold navies
Violets pinks and purples intertwining
Bright yellow gleaming making everything golden.
Thin clouds float
White and soft looking.
I turned my head to look at you as we stopped at the red light
In the driver’s seat
You have your hands on the steering wheel
You looked so amazed.
You sat there in silence
Your eyes looked bright
“Maybe God Paints” You said.
And ever since a sunset was more than just the sun’s disappearance

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