I am but I am not... | Teen Ink

I am but I am not...

May 20, 2016
By svoss BRONZE, Park City, Utah
svoss BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am nature, beautiful yet there is so much you don’t know.  You look at the mountains in the far distance and see how pretty they are, but you can’t see the pain that is only seen up close.  As you get closer you start to notice the cracks, the jagged rocks and boulders that have been placed as walls to protect the heart.  It isn’t as perfect and pretty as you thought it would be, it is more complicated and confusing.  You try to break down the walls that have been built over the years, by the people that broke her heart,  left her, took advantage,  lied to her.  Once a heart has been broken you can’t glue it back together; the person has to want to heal, to want to see the beauty in the small things again.  A strong person can help change that.  I am a tree, sturdy but fragile.  I have deep roots that reach the ends of the Earth,  that are continuous and never ending.  I reach into the soil and soak up all the light and energy to be able to blossom into something so beautiful it’s ugly.  I am the buddha,  I have peace in my soul and I am free with myself.  I want to grow and change and become a person no one would expect me to be.  I am changing the world little by little.  Just by me breathing creates life and depth.  I am more than just a body that takes up space. I have a mind that is filled with creativity, thoughts, and feelings.  I am a hippie-filled with happiness and color that accepts people for who they are,  I am rebellious, fighting for what I  believe is right.   I am the ocean,  I am deep but not lost,  I am the waves that move in the wind and create mass forces when I feel sad or mad.  I am forgiving, willing to forgive those who have done me wrong in the past and break me, but I have found a way to still love everyone.  I am Sarah V.

The author's comments:

I hope this will inspire other people to love their true selves, and to spark some creativity in the brain. 

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