Color | Teen Ink


May 15, 2015
By BRONZE, Rockledge, Florida BRONZE, Rockledge, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the eyes of a human,

there contains a pool of sight.

A lens for gaizing in transparence,

A vision seeing dark and light.


The gift from Iris, may she soar

across a grand horizon,

and each being stands there, hand-in-hand,

in unity, one more.


Yet, there seems to be distain

from all the blindness and the blur.

The beings know not how to see

and from this emerges pain.


The colors drained in anger, seethe.

In hatred, it is drowning.

Souls consumed in black and white.

Races racing, and all beneath.


Chaos burst in ash and flame.

Fog surrounding, spreading discord.

Perception lost, and love not found

 and no being knows the blame.


The beings, all in vain.

The fault is in ourselves.

Let's find the light and color

and sight we shall regain.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the evolution and behavior of mankind. I hope for people to understand the message and for them to see the beautiful "color" within each other.

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