The Fallacy of Man | Teen Ink

The Fallacy of Man

April 24, 2015
By thony6408 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
thony6408 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why tip toe through life only to arrive safely at death.

Ravines and rivers; forests and forgery:
with rhetorical right
     homes of animals
          we take and destroy,

for yards to manicure and courses to golf, with misplaced entitlement we destroy it all.

Greed and nobility; fashion and folklore:
animals taken for pseudo utility
     hunted not out of necessity
          rather killed for their commodity,

ivory and skin for sculptures and clothes, the irony is it’s beauty resides where it belongs before it was wronged.

Horizons and lungs; sunsets and skies:
all things we taint and blacken
     the treasures we trade
          for material ones to hold,

with endless hunger we take from nature, fulfilling our own auxiliary with things that don't matter.

Facts and statistics; science and signs:
things we ignore
     our planet speaking to us
          it can't take much more,

by the time we acknowledge our lack of foresight, its too late nothing can be done from hindsight.

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