Art? What is Art? | Teen Ink

Art? What is Art?

May 8, 2014
By J.Ramos BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
J.Ramos BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paintings in a museum
that depicts an inquisition to the mind
like a puzzle book.

Statues that stand before
the modern-world,
creating questions throughout.

Photographs on a wall
that was taken just yesterday,
of an abandoned house with contrast effects.

Can art really be defined
if it is just about everywhere
we look?

In your cabinet you can find two cups.
Each will be designed,
merely in ways of size and shape.

Could that be described
as the application of human skill
and imagination?

If so, art has no definition.
It is a simple concept of idea,
to what people see within.

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