Happiness is the truth. | Teen Ink

Happiness is the truth.

April 2, 2014
By Alexk_lavilla BRONZE, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Alexk_lavilla BRONZE, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Just because you dont have a prince, doesnt mean your not a princess.

the peace of mind I get,
when greatness fills the air
my enchanting personality,
spread it everywhere
friends and family,
seal the deal
life is flawless,
its unreal

my good spirits bring joy to others,
letting loose my glistening colors
the beauty in smiles I see,
makes me rethink my destiny
happiness has been here all along,
I just cant figure out where I went wrong

purple circles my thoughts,
twisting nostalgic memories into knots
I resent the things I’ve done,
My goal is to be number one

Instead of being square,
I’ve learned what it means to care
Conquering my fears,
Is what brought me here
This pattern needs to end,
I’m done trying to blend

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