Couldn't Wait | Teen Ink

Couldn't Wait

January 23, 2014
By rachelbrenner SILVER, Long Beach, New York
rachelbrenner SILVER, Long Beach, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We couldn't wait to grow up.
We couldn't wait for our apple juice box to become a flask filled with liquor.
We couldn't wait for our cooties and handholding to become uncomfortable make-outs and pressure to put out.
We couldn't wait for our toy cars to become real.
We couldn't wait for the girl who wouldn't share her dolls to become the school's "mean girl".
We couldn't wait for the boy who sat in the corner and never played with us to become the boy who forces blades into the skin of his wrists.
We couldn't wait for the rush of adrenaline we got from playing freeze tag to surrender to that first high.
We couldn't wait for the tic tacs we used to pretend were pills to actually become them.
We couldn't wait for family dinners to become rare hello's and goodbye's.
We couldn't wait to grow up.
We just couldn't wait.

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