Nonsense | Teen Ink


June 22, 2013
By dicey-jones BRONZE, Kaduna South, Other
dicey-jones BRONZE, Kaduna South, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I scream so no one can hear my thoughts

shake my head
be careful it might shred
Oh! your hands are tense
You won't find one sense.

hey miss terror
forgive my errors
you asked for a mystique
all i did was mental arithmetic

I said aliens exist
Oh you hissed
took my words for random gist

don't take the weed
it might become all you need
all warnings you should heed
society killed me, damn the mead.

you aren't makin' sense
something i love about nonsense
it makes me think or leave me straight
either way it has no side effect...

The author's comments:
Forgive my nonsense as I forgive the nonsense of those who think they make sense. -Robert Frost

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