A Light Poem | Teen Ink

A Light Poem

January 23, 2013
By Brittbrittmitt SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Brittbrittmitt SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will make this one light
Because I'm tired, my sight
Fades. As I close my eyes.
Dark enough to hide, I'm shy
Guys. I rule my mind, but sometimes
It takes a different route, a rhyme
For class, the rules of writing
The structure. Has never been inviting.
I write what I want.
They wait for the next stunt
I comply. Because I'm crazy
Lazy, and tired. And light.
For now.

The author's comments:
All of my other poems were...a little intense. And sad. So I made a "light" one

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