Where Am I? | Teen Ink

Where Am I?

September 10, 2012
By PattiAriel GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
PattiAriel GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only gave me the power to reclaim every part of me I gave to you."

Instead of watching fireworks detonate or devouring hot dogs, my feet hit the ground to a place foreign to me. I strain to see through my eyes since the brightness from the sun blinds me to no end. My hands fly fast to my neck, the dehydration, is gnawing at my throat.

Walking in the direction of one place, to swiftly be in another.
My mother holds my hand, fearful of losing me, positioned within place carefully stepping to soon enter a new one with just a step of my foot.
My arm resides in one square while my leg breathes in another.
Walking to one four sided area
To soon grasp another,
And moving on further,
To take hold of one more,
The ground below me seems to move on its own while guiding my feet in a circular motion. My arms are high above my head twirling with me in fascination whereas my legs are dancing to music only I seem to hear.
The earth breathes with me. It dances with me, and spins with me. I stop, standing directly in the middle of the four. Staring down at my feet, I finally look up. I glance around to other families and smile. I’m one of many to be in four places at once.

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